
通过winscp FTP客户端软件创建link文件

通过winscp FTP客户端软件创建link文件

To create new link/shortcut go to File(s) > New > Link. Add link/shortcut dialog will appear. Selected file will become initial target of the link/shortcut. You can of course change it to whatever you want.

To change target of existing link/shortcut, select it in file panel (links/shortcuts have arrow overlay icon) and go to File(s) > Edit Link. Edit link/shortcut dialog will appear. You cannot edit remote hard links. You will not be able to edit even remote symbolic links (symlink) if session option Resolve symbolic links is disabled.


Some servers (for example ProFTPD) support non-standard command:
SITE SYMLINK target source

[ 本帖最后由 linda 于 2019-11-20 18:34 编辑 ]

